Real Women. Real Experiences. – Kimberly C
Q: Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? How many kids do you have?
A: My name is Kimberly C. and my darling husband is Supreet C.. We are parents to our 17 month old son, Tika. We live in Dallas, Texas, with our two pups, Kona and Savi. We moved houses in June and are working on sprucing up our new place. Prior to Dallas, I lived in Kenosha, Wisconsin. My husband is from Canada. We met in Mexico City over New Years 2018.
Q: How was your pregnancy? The good? The bad?
A: I am the oldest of 6 kids. My mom was a single parent for 10+ years. She is the most incredible, strong, amazing person on this planet. I have wanted to be a mother since high school but was not with someone fitting for me, nor in the position in life I wanted to be in to raise a little one. When I met Supreet, I knew he would be a phenomenal husband and father. I yearned to be a mom for 10 years before it happened. I got off birth control in September of 2020 and was pregnant October 14th of 2020 - 2 weeks later. It was beyond my wildest dreams to find my husband and start a family with him. My pregnancy was great! I experienced exhaustion and nausea but always looked at the bright side of everything. People always told me I make it all look so easy. It wasn't easy, but I enjoyed it so much that I ignored many of the negatives and focused on the positives.
Q: How was your labor and delivery? Did you birth at home? Hospital? C-section?
A: Labor and delivery was wild. My due date was a Wednesday. The Friday prior, I ate pizza and felt HORRIBLE. I was convinced I got food poisoning. I went to bed around 10. I woke up at 1:30AM with my water questionably breaking (smallest trickle near toilet). Contractions started at 2:45 - 15 minutes apart, then kept coming closer together and were nearly unbearable. 15 minutes, 12 minutes, 8 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes. Left for the hospital at 3:30. Arrived at 3:45. The system was updating so I had to redo all my forms. My husband was parking the car. We got checked into a room. I decided to not do an epidural but used nitrous oxide. Baby was born at 5:40.
Q: Describe your postpartum experience. Did you experience postpartum depression? Postpartum anxiety? Postpartum rage? Were you aware of these things postpartum?
A: He was on the cusp of low birth weight (10% is the threshold and he was 10.28%) so we had the option of giving him medicine or breastfeeding around the lock on demand or every 3 hours (whichever came first). After his 2 week checkup, he bounced up to 28%, so we could feed on demand. Honestly, I experienced more depression when I weaned at the one year mark. No anxiety or rage. I was honestly beyond happy and giddy for months - this was the life I always dreamt of. I was more irritable when things didn't go as anticipated due to the sleep deprivation.
Q: Did you breastfeed? If so, how did that go for you? If it was challenging, what were your challenges?
A: Yes! Great! Will do it again and again. I made sure to get a good latch before leaving the hospital. Made it to a year and this will be my goal for each child. I love the bonding experience.
Q: Did you have any pregnancy cravings?
A: I gained 50 pounds - which is a lot on my 5 foot 3 frame. I lost all of it and have been in better shape since baby! I ate everything & dessert way too often. Plus, not working out as much (walking instead of lifting) was brutal.
Q: What’s something you never knew about until you were pregnant?
A: That I could go from water breaking to baby out in 3 hours...
Q: What was something that surprised you about your postpartum journey?
A: I thought I loved my husband (I do more than anything else in this world) but we both talk about how much we love our child. I didn't know I could love someone this much.
Q: If there was a gift to give a new mom, what would it be?
A: For me, a very healthy home cooked meal!
Q: If you could give a new mom some advice what would it be?
A: You are stronger than you can possibly imagine. You will do hard things and come out stronger. Take a breath and focus on the positives. Consciously try to enjoy every moment.