Real Women. Real Experiences. – Emma M
Q: Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? How many kids to do you have?
A: Hello! I’m Emma. I live in the country on a small lake outside my hometown of Fond du Lac, WI. My husband and I tried for a few years to get pregnant then to our complete surprise we got pregnant with twin boys naturally.
Q: How was your pregnancy? The good? The bad?
A: My pregnancy was overall very boring and uneventful. I never really got sick other than maybe a little nausea in the beginning few weeks. Two pregnancy symptoms I wasn’t expecting to get because I hadn’t heard of other women having them before were RLS and extreme stuffiness in my nose. I also had placenta previa which requires pelvic rest.
Q: How was your labor and delivery? Did you birth at home? Hospital? C-section?
A: My water broke spontaneously at 33 weeks 2 days. I had no signs that labor was coming as I had just had a cervical check a few days prior and my doctor said it was long and hard. My husband took me to our local hospital and the doctor confirmed my water broke and sent me via ambulance down to a bigger hospital that could better accommodate the twins once they arrived. Once we arrived at the larger hospital I learned they were going to try and hold off delivery for as long as possible so the babies could get the steroids to help their lungs and because every day helps them develop. During this discussion I learned I couldn’t get an epidural because I could potentially be in labor for 4, 5 even 6 days. Oh boy. As the morning progressed my contractions got very strong and the doctor came in to check me. 1 cm. Oh my gosh seriously? That’s it. I was really uncomfortable. After another 45 minutes with hardly any breaks in between contractions the doctor came and checked me again and I was 4cm now. The doctor explained to me that the babies were coming whether we wanted them to or not. Because baby B was transverse we would do a c section. My husband was out of the room at the moment getting an omelet and I was worried he wouldn’t make it back in time but they reassured me we had plenty of time for him to return. The things that run through your head when you’re frazzled LOL. The c section itself was very easy. They cut you open and pull the babies out.
Q: Describe your postpartum experience. Did you experience postpartum depression? Postpartum anxiety? Postpartum rage? Were you aware of these things postpartum?
A: I knew postpartum depression and anxiety could happen. However, I experienced quite the opposite. When I held my sons for the first time it felt like all the love I had ever longed for was given to me in that moment. I felt uncontrollably happy. I’ve never been maternal. I never babysat growing up. I never felt connected to kids or like a natural. I was so worried I wouldn’t feel ‘it’ with my own. But your children are extensions of yourself. I felt like I knew them my whole life already. It’s so hard to explain. I guess that’s why mothers have such a special bond to their children that can only be felt.
Q: Did you breastfeed? If so, how did that go for you? If it was challenging, what were your challenges?
A: Sucking and swallowing are one of the last things that are learned in the womb and because the twins were born almost 7 weeks early they didn’t know how to eat. They were on a feeding tube for about 3 weeks. My son Patrick latched a handful of times and Oliver latched a few times. Neither boy took to breastfeeding. It was stressful for them. I exclusively pumped for about 5 months. Then we gradually transitioned to formula. Patrick required a double digested formula called Ele care and Oliver used a premie formula that had extra calories.
Q: Did you have any pregnancy cravings?
A: I gained 80 pounds when I was pregnant. I ate everything. Fast food, cereal, shredded cheese, egg salad, capri suns, desserts. I loved it all. I was hungry all the time.
Q: What’s something you never knew about until you were pregnant?
A: I never knew a nursing bra was different than a pumping bra. Like you need two different bras if you plan to do both. I was shocked. Seems like they should invent a bra that can do both.
Q: What was something that surprised you about your postpartum journey?
A: I did not lose any weight while breastfeeding. That myth that the weight will fall off because you burn so many calories making milk really irks me.
Q: If there was a gift to give a new mom, what would it be?
A: Freezer meals are great. I had no energy to even think of ideas for supper. It takes the brain work out of planning.
Q: If you could give a new mom some advice what would it be?
A: Always trust your motherly instincts. You’re the mom and your opinion matters most. Don’t let unwanted advice bother you so much. People usually mean it to be helpful not hurtful so I always try to remember that if something seems critical.