Real Women. Real Experiences. – Sara C

Q: Tell me about yourself. Where are you from? How many kids do you have?

A: I’m Sara and I’m originally from Wisconsin, but have been living in England since 2018. I have 2 kiddos, my son is going to be 3 in January and my daughter is almost 1 month old!


Q: If you could give a new mom some advice what would it be?

A: My first pregnancy was a breeze, only symptom was tiredness! My second I was more nauseous and more hormonal. Both were active pregnancies though and I worked out/got my body moving most days to maintain a healthy-ish pregnancy!

Q: How was your labor and delivery? Did you birth at home? Hospital? C-section?

A: With my first, I labored for 35 hours before spiking a fever +baby’s heart rate he turned into an emergency C-section. My second I went to full term and ended up having a planned C-section.

Q: Describe your postpartum experience. Did you experience postpartum depression? Postpartum anxiety? Postpartum rage? Were you aware of these things postpartum?

A: With my first, I definitely experienced postpartum depression/anxiety/rage in the early months. I think a lot of it had stemmed from being in lockdown/the start of the pandemic and not being able to see anyone/receive any support as a first time mom. This time around, I feel a lot more relaxed and soaking all the newborn stage up and not putting so much pressure on myself.

Q: Did you breastfeed? If so, how did that go for you? If it was challenging, what were your challenges? 

 A: I exclusively pumped with both for about 3 weeks. Both babies had trouble latching so it just worked better to pump. But it was exhausting on my body and mental state, so we weaned to formula for both.

Q: Did you have any pregnancy cravings?

A: Carbs with Harley and mango with Grace

Q: What’s something you never knew about until you were pregnant?

A: I never heard of hand expressing colostrum until my second pregnancy and heard it can jump start labor. I started expressing and storing the colostrum at 37 weeks pregnant with Grace and am so glad I did because she ended up being in the NICU for the night and the midwives were still able to feed her with what I’ve collected.

Q: What was something that surprised you about your postpartum journey?

A: How different each journey has been. As a second time mom, I am a lot more relaxed this time around. It hasn’t been as much of a shock to the system with the lack of sleep and I am just more chill this time.

Q: If there was a gift to give a new mom, what would it be? 

A: For mom and baby: a sound machine, specifically the hatch! For just mom: a spa day, moms need to be loved on postpartum too 

Q: If you could give a new mom some advice what would it be?

A: Less is more. You don’t need all the big and fancy stuff for your baby. All your baby cares about is being loved on by you.


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Real Women. Real Experiences. – Nellie D